INSTAGRAM POSTS tea w/ a spot of rum = The G spot ? by marcus 03/25/2017 #ginseng #ginko #green #ginger
INSTAGRAM POSTS disgusting. of course I finished it. by marcus 03/17/2017 #regrets #klondike #chocotaco #icecream #taco #chocolate
INSTAGRAM POSTS stocked up on snowstorm essentials. ⛄❄? by marcus 03/14/2017 #hotsauce #friedchicken #wings #bread #milk #eggs #snowmageddon
INSTAGRAM POSTS Technology is magic by marcus 03/12/2017 #WIFI #science #canon #g7xmarkII #Panasonic #lumix #raw #Lightroom #gear #nerd #geek
INSTAGRAM POSTS of course i sat on it. by marcus 03/12/2017 #comfy #flowershow #flowersafterhours #90s #Dutch #Holland #amsterdam #tulips #flowers #xpn
INSTAGRAM POSTS you know what they say about big clogs… by marcus 03/12/2017 #flowershow #flowersafterhours #90s #Dutch #Holland #amsterdam #tulips #flowers
INSTAGRAM POSTS this apple brandy was delicious! by marcus 03/12/2017 #flowershow #xpn #flowersafterhours #90s #Dutch #Holland #amsterdam #tulips #flowers #heineken
INSTAGRAM POSTS this just happened. by marcus 03/12/2017 #flowersafterhours #wxpn #90s #floweshow #Dutch #Holland #amsterdam #tulips #flowers #xpn
INSTAGRAM POSTS you are looking up. by marcus 03/12/2017 #flowershow #flowersafterhours #90s #Dutch #Holland #amsterdam #tulips #flowers
INSTAGRAM POSTS red in, red out. by marcus 03/08/2017 in support of #internationalwomensday. ✊ #honor #respect #love
INSTAGRAM POSTS my work usually gives us luncheons. i didn’t expect THIS. by marcus 03/06/2017 #mindblown #braindetail #myfavorites #chicken #waffles #bacon #eggs #brunch #fruit
INSTAGRAM POSTS you are not just one thing. by marcus 03/03/2017 #confusion #beallyoucanbe #doallthings #doeverything #donothing #do #justdoit #dontdoit #dontfollow #dontlead #followyourownbliss #smallminds #clarity #zigzag #leftturn
INSTAGRAM POSTS what do you call a female phallic symbol? by marcus 03/02/2017 #SERIOUSLY #facehugger #Alien #aliencovenant #ridleyscott
INSTAGRAM POSTS no one saw that ending twist. by marcus 02/27/2017 #Oscars #BestPicture #Moonlight #WarrenBeatty #SteveHarvey #lalaland
INSTAGRAM POSTS i save people time when they try to press my buttons: i press it first. by marcus 02/25/2017 #IAmGroot #babygroot #killemall #destroyusall #nuclear #gotgvol2 #nonukes #bomb #redbutton